Springville Road Community Church
"Knowing God... Making God Known"
Bible Conference 2007: "How the Race is Won"
Text: Hebrews 10

This is the second message of our 2007 Bible Conference.  Don Barrett continues the series on Running the Race with Purpose in this session by preaching on  how the race is won.

To win the race we must finish.  What is it that drives you? What are your passions and motivations in life? How do I know if I'm going to finish?

1st by careful examination.  (Hebrew 10:19) This will require me to jettison things that hold me back.

2nd I must have evaluation. (Hebrew 10:22-24) "Let us..." Let us what? Draw near, hold fast. Back in Hebrews chapter 2:1-3 we see some of the things to evaluate, "Lest we drift". Are we prone to wander? yes, so we need to be earnest.  We need to exhort one another daily by asking each other how we are doing spiritually. Have you become dull of hearing and unwilling or able to eat anything but milk (Hebrews 5:11- ).

3rd A prayerful Exhortation - (Hebrews 10:24-25) We must get our mind in the game. To get down and focused we must sometimes be zapped.  If you are disinterested in these things then you might not be in a position to finish the race.
Direct download: 11-04-07-am2.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:45am CDT

Bible Conference 2007: "How the Race is Run"
Text Hebrews 12:1-2

The theme for our Bible Conference this year is "Running the Race with Purpose". and we were pleased to welcome Don Barrett as our guest speaker.  Don has served in the ministry for over 30 years and was pastor of Lake Charles (La.) Bible Church for almost 17 years before becoming Executive Director of Camp Pearl Ministries in 1996 until the present. Don and his wife Angie are the parents of 3 grown children.

In this first session of our conference Don speaks about how the race of faith is run. First the race must be run with focus. Heaven is not a prize or reward because all who believe in Jesus Christ and trust in him as savior and lord will go to heaven because it is a free gift given by grace.  Heaven is not the issue but rather what we will do when there.

When do we start the race? Upon the day of our salvation and even though the life of a Christian has many pitfalls and difficulties a judgment still awaits the Christian with regard to what he has done in this life. What is it that holds us back in the race?  We all have 168 hours in our week and we need to evaluate what we do with our time.  Is what you're doing with your time wise? The things that you spend your time on are weighing you down and burden you as you run the race.

Second, how do we run the race? By running it in Christ because he started our faith, continues our faith and he will complete our faith. Our goal should be to live for Christ so that one day he will say "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Third, the distinction. We are not running the race against one another but together.  Are you just getting by (See 2 Peter 1:3) or are you running the race with a purpose so that others will also want what you have?
Direct download: 11-04-07-am1.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 7:45am CDT