Springville Road Community Church
"Knowing God... Making God Known"

Ephesians 4:25-32

While each of us can relate to grief in life we have a harder time understanding grieving the Holy Spirit. (see also Psalm 78)

1) What is our motivation for not grieving the Holy Spirit? - Because we have been sealed with the Spirit.

2) How do we grieve the Holy Spirit? - by the conviction of sin.
Paul gets specific (beginning in vs. 29):
a) Let no unwholesome word come from your mouth.
b) Bitterness
c) Wrath
d) Anger
e) Clamor
f) Slander
g) Malice

Direct download: 12-16-2007-am.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:30am CDT

Bible Institute: Canonicity - Class #12
This is  lesson #12, the concluding lesson, in a study of canonicity, a study about where we get our Bible.  Your instructor is Elder David Nichols.

The booklet "Can I Really Trust the Bible?can be viewed by going to the RBC Ministries website. (Click Here for downloadable version).

Class Notes:
Statistical Information on Religious Trends and Beliefs in the U.S.
* Nine out of ten adults own a Bible.   Only six out of ten believe it is “totally accurate in all its teachings.?
* 74% believe when people are born, they are neither good nor evil; they make a choice between the two as they mature.
* 44% believe the Bible, the Koran, and the Book of Mormon are all different expressions of the same spiritual truths
* 44% believe when He lived on earth, Jesus Christ sinned, like other people
* 55% say a good person can earn a place in heaven
* 83% of teenagers said moral truth depends on the circumstances
* Among whites, 60% endorse relativism, compared to 26% who adopt absolutism.
* Among non-whites, however, 74% support relativism and just 15% believe in absolute morality
* 15% of Hispanic adults and only 10% of African-American adults contended that moral truth is absolute

Genesis 5
1.  Adam – of the earth – firm foundation
2.  Seth – compensation – sprout, seed
3.  Enosh – mortal or man
4.  Kenan – one acquired or begotten
5.  Mahal’lel  - God’s splendor or to God’s praise
6.   Jared – to descend
7.  Enoch – to initiate or to dedicate oneself or to be disciplined to the point of death
8.  Methuselah – a period of time
9.  Lamech ? (unknown word)
10.  Noah – rest or quiet
    [Of the earth’s firm foundation the seed shall come as mortal man, begotten in God’s splendor, He shall descend to earth, dedicating Himself to the point of death, and after a period of time .?. He shall give rest]
Adam = Heb. Man
Eve = Heb. Mother of all living
Woman = Heb. of man
Cain = acquisition; to acquire or to gain materially
Abel = Transitoriness, just fleeting or temporary
Ref.:    Strong’s  Concordance
    Young’s  Concordance
    Unger’s Bible Dictionary
    Wilson’s Expository Dictionary
Direct download: canonicity_12.mp3
Category:Bible Institute -- posted at: 8:00am CDT