Springville Road Community Church
"Knowing God... Making God Known"

Text: Hebrews 9:11-10:18

Who is Jesus Christ to you? In this section of scripture we see the accomplishments of Jesus.

1) His Sacrifice (9:11-15) - Jesus entered the Holy place and made the sacrifice once and for all.
2) He is the Mediator (9:16-22) - This is the New Covenant. Jesus took our place.
3) He is the Salvation (9:23-28) - Jesus removed sins ability to bring about death.
4) His Completed Work (10:1-14) - His sacrifice was good once and for all.
5) Sanctification (10:15-18) - The one offering is able to bring us to perfection.

Forgiveness - Christians are forgiven for the past, present and future.
In 9:14 we are cleansed from dead works to be serving the living God. You must be free to truly serve God.
Direct download: 08-30-09-am.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:30am CDT