Springville Road Community Church
"Knowing God... Making God Known"
The Significance of Christmas
Text: Philippians 2:5-8

Listen as Rob Caine (Youth Pastor here at SRCC) brings us a message about the real significance of Christmas.  In John 1:14 we learn that the word became flesh and dwelt among us.

1) He was God - (vs. 6)
2) He let go - (vs. 7)
3) He took on the role of a bondservant
4) He took on the form of a man

Our attitude today should be the same as that of Jesus by being a servant.
Direct download: 12-30-07-am.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:30am CDT

Text: Galatians 2:20
Are you immersed in Christ? Do you know him as yours? Christmas is a great time to reflect on this.  Listen as Pastor Thad talks about what it means to be alive in Christ. Also listen as several individuals demonstrate obedience to Christ through believers baptism.
Direct download: 12-23-2007-am.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:30am CDT

Ephesians 4:25-32

While each of us can relate to grief in life we have a harder time understanding grieving the Holy Spirit. (see also Psalm 78)

1) What is our motivation for not grieving the Holy Spirit? - Because we have been sealed with the Spirit.

2) How do we grieve the Holy Spirit? - by the conviction of sin.
Paul gets specific (beginning in vs. 29):
a) Let no unwholesome word come from your mouth.
b) Bitterness
c) Wrath
d) Anger
e) Clamor
f) Slander
g) Malice

Direct download: 12-16-2007-am.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:30am CDT

Bible Institute: Canonicity - Class #12
This is  lesson #12, the concluding lesson, in a study of canonicity, a study about where we get our Bible.  Your instructor is Elder David Nichols.

The booklet "Can I Really Trust the Bible?can be viewed by going to the RBC Ministries website. (Click Here for downloadable version).

Class Notes:
Statistical Information on Religious Trends and Beliefs in the U.S.
* Nine out of ten adults own a Bible.   Only six out of ten believe it is “totally accurate in all its teachings.?
* 74% believe when people are born, they are neither good nor evil; they make a choice between the two as they mature.
* 44% believe the Bible, the Koran, and the Book of Mormon are all different expressions of the same spiritual truths
* 44% believe when He lived on earth, Jesus Christ sinned, like other people
* 55% say a good person can earn a place in heaven
* 83% of teenagers said moral truth depends on the circumstances
* Among whites, 60% endorse relativism, compared to 26% who adopt absolutism.
* Among non-whites, however, 74% support relativism and just 15% believe in absolute morality
* 15% of Hispanic adults and only 10% of African-American adults contended that moral truth is absolute

Genesis 5
1.  Adam – of the earth – firm foundation
2.  Seth – compensation – sprout, seed
3.  Enosh – mortal or man
4.  Kenan – one acquired or begotten
5.  Mahal’lel  - God’s splendor or to God’s praise
6.   Jared – to descend
7.  Enoch – to initiate or to dedicate oneself or to be disciplined to the point of death
8.  Methuselah – a period of time
9.  Lamech ? (unknown word)
10.  Noah – rest or quiet
    [Of the earth’s firm foundation the seed shall come as mortal man, begotten in God’s splendor, He shall descend to earth, dedicating Himself to the point of death, and after a period of time .?. He shall give rest]
Adam = Heb. Man
Eve = Heb. Mother of all living
Woman = Heb. of man
Cain = acquisition; to acquire or to gain materially
Abel = Transitoriness, just fleeting or temporary
Ref.:    Strong’s  Concordance
    Young’s  Concordance
    Unger’s Bible Dictionary
    Wilson’s Expository Dictionary
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Category:Bible Institute -- posted at: 8:00am CDT

Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CDT

Text: John 13:31-14:1,  John 14:16-17
As christians we need to understand the inside help we have through the Holy Spirit of God which dwells within us as believers in Christ.  The church has suppressed this gift of the Holy Spirit but we all need a better understanding of this gift. In John 13:31-14:1 Jesus tells the disciples that he would be with them for only a little while longer and this troubles Peter.  In John 14:16-17 Jesus tells them about a helper, the Holy Spirit, that he will send after he departs from them. Here we see three things about the Holy Spirit:

1) The Holy Spirit is neither inferior nor superior to Christ
2) The Holy Spirit intercedes for us (see also Romans 8:26)
3) The Holy Spirit indwells us (John 14:17)

In Romans 12:9-21 we see areas where we need help.

Direct download: 12-09-07-am.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:30am CDT

Bible Institute: Canonicity - Class #11 This is  lesson #11 in a study of canonicity, a study about where we get our Bible.  Your instructor is Elder David Nichols.

View English Bible Origin Chart by clicking here

1. Textual  = a passage (in whole or in part) of letters and books
2. Criticism = Judgment of grammar and content – an evaluation.
3. The Western church was based in Rome
4. The Eastern church was based in Jerusalem and Syria
5. The Latin text gave us the Received  Text “Textus Receptus?
6. The Byzantine text gave us the “Critical Text?
7. The period of Standardization of the text – 325 – 1500 A.D.
8. Johann Gutenberg developed movable type for the printing press (1454)
9. The period of Crystallization -1500-1648 A.D.
10. Erasmus’ work became known as the “Textus Receptus? Lit. the “Received Text.?
11. Where do the newer versions come from?  The “Critical Text?
12. The KJV rests on a textual basis that is very weak.
13.0The KJV contains many words that are out of date and misleading.
14. The KJV includes scribal errors of translation
15. Remember – the original writings were inspired, not the copies, but God has protected the copies.
16. Beginning as far back as 1725, Richard Bentley and Johann Bengal challenged other scholars to gather available textual materials.
17. 1870-1875 – The first Bible using the “Critical Text? was published  known as the “English Revised Version?
18. There are really very few variations.  The Bible is a very big book with thousands of words.
19. When the eye picked up the same letter or word twice, it was called “Dittography?
20. God has protected the transmission of His Word to man so that even though man’s fingerprints are all over it, nothing has been diluted, damaged, or changed – doctrinally.
Direct download: canonicity_11.mp3
Category:Bible Institute -- posted at: 8:00am CDT

Bible Institute: Romans - Class #13
Springville Road Bible Institute

This is the Thirteenth lesson in a study of the book of Romans.  This week we continue chapter 7.

Note: This is the final Romans podcast for the first semester. Podcasting of Romans will return around the middle of January 2008.

Direct download: Romans_013.mp3
Category:Bible Institute -- posted at: 6:30pm CDT

Challange of Opposition
Text: Jude 20-23

Listen as Kent Fuller (Avant Ministries) from the country of Belize brings us a message from the book of Jude. We are under attack and we face opposition from our adversary Satan and in order to overcome this opposition we must reach up and reach out.

In these verses we see a summation of the Ten Commandments. First we are to reach up.  We do this by growing our relationship with God by reading and studying his word. 

Second we are to reach out.  Not only are we to study and pray but we are to serve others (vs. 22).  We need to share with others about our relationship with Jesus . We also need to confront those who proclaim false teachings.

Direct download: 12-02-07-am.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 9:30am CDT

Bible Institute: Canonicity - Class #10 This is  lesson #10 in a study of canonicity, a study about where we get our Bible.  Your instructor is Elder David Nichols.

View English Bible Origin Chart by clicking here

1.    Inspiration = Authority of God’s Word
        Canonicity = Acceptance  of God’s Word 
        Transmission = Accuracy of God’s Word
        Translations = Availability of God’s Word
2. What is an autograph?  An original  There are no originals known to be in existence today.
3. There are very few O.T. manuscripts , but due to the meticulous care of the Masoretes, the few we have exist.
4. Uncials manuscripts had no punctuation, no capitals, and no divisions.
5. From the 10th-15th century new styles of writing and copying had been developed and some nearly 5000 minuscules were produced.
6. Textual Criticism  - Text = sections of books or letters – Criticism = Judgment of grammar and content – an evaluation.
7.     The “Great Debate?  Older is Better  vs.  More  is better
8.  Period of Reduplication 100-325 A.D. – Copies of originals – copies of the copies
9. The Western = Latin text   The Eastern = Byzantine text
10. The Latin Text gave us the Received Text “Authorized – Textus Receptus.?
11. The Byzantine text gave us the Critical Text – fewer copies dating back to 125 A.D. or so.
12.Period of Standardization of the text 325-1500 A.D. (known as the “Dark Ages?. 
13.  Period of Crystallization (1500 – 1648 A.D.) Years of Enlightenment – the Reformation Era.
14. Erasmus based his translations on the “Textus Receptus? Lit. the “Received Text.?
15. John Rodgers, a good friend of William Tyndale compiled the “Matthews Bible? in English.
16. In 1607, forty eight choice Greek and Hebrew scholars started work on the King James Version
17. Remember – the original writings were inspired, not the copies, but God has protected the copies.
Direct download: canonicity_10.mp3
Category:Bible Institute -- posted at: 8:00am CDT