Springville Road Community Church
"Knowing God... Making God Known"
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Our guest speaker is Rick Oglesby a former pastor, faculty member at Southeastern Bible College and past President of Carolina Bible College.

In this section of scripture we see the Good News of Jesus Christ. In vs. 8-11 we see insights into God's grace by looking at the personal statements of the apostle Paul.

* verse 8 - One who is like a miscarriage or an abortion. He was dead and useless untill God brought him out.
* in ourselves we are nothing but because of the grace of God and through the power of his son we have been made saints.  Even though the Corinthian church was a very disfunctional fellowship, they were still saints!
* We need to remember that we are holy because he has made us holy.
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