Springville Road Community Church
"Knowing God... Making God Known"

Ephesians 6:1-3; Col. 3:20

Listen as Paster Thad explains six common hurdles that children (and adults) face on a daily basis.  In looking at these passages it is important to remember the importance of being Spirit filled.  As a matter of context children during the time of the New Testament lived with their parents until they became married and started families of their own.

1) Authority - (Eph. 5:15-18)

2) Compromise

3) Laziness - (1 Cor. 9:24-27)

4) Selfishness - (Phil. 2:3-4) - God 1st, Others 2nd, Self last.

5) Disobedience - (Eph. 6:1) - to obey means to hear and respond.

6) Disrespect - (Eph. 6:2) - to honor means to hold in high place.


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